Looking for healthy foods for a diet? Here are some healthy foods to your diet you. Because do not want to because of the thin body with a strict diet of healthy foods that we forget the important nutrition for the body.
Healthy food for diet
Cara Diet Green vegetables is to eat healthy for your diet. Green vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and asparagus are healthy foods that contain lots of fiber and low in calories. Nutrients contained in green vegetables will not be absorbed by the body into fat (calories) and is suitable for our diet.
Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C and E. If cooked by roasting or without sugar sweet bias into healthy food for low-calorie diet.
Fresh, pure water is very good for our health. Drinking eight glasses of water per day will be very helpful in the metabolism process, clean up food in the body and prevent dehydration for those who are on diet.
Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C and E. If cooked by roasting or without sugar sweet bias into healthy food for low-calorie diet.
Low-fat milk can also be a complement to healthy foods for our diet. Such as cheese and yogurt are good sources of calcium for the body. When the body lacks calcium will trigger hormones and fat storage will occur. Choosing low-fat milk formula that will meet the body's calcium intake.
Legumes such as kidney beans bias into alternative healthy foods to our diet. The protein contained in beans will be more digestible in our digestion. And of course this means we will be full longer. Besides having a protein content and fiber are good for digestion, peanuts also contain iron, magnesium and phosphorus.
Healthy food for other diets are fruits like apples for example. Apples have fiber which is also good for lowering high cholesterol in the blood. Apples will last long enough in digestion, and also healthy for the body, it becomes a good alternative for healthy foods to our diet.
Healthy foods to the diet also comes from animal bias. Fish is the best choice, especially for species of salmon. Like nuts, fish also contain high protein and is also good for lowering high cholesterol. Creating recipes of fish by steaming is better than fried.
That's some kind of healthy foods to your diet. We can try to fariasi recipes are diverse and healthy so as not to get bored with the kind of healthy food for this diet.